402 lines
13 KiB
402 lines
13 KiB
* @summary pfPagination for DataTables
* @description A collection of API methods providing functionality to paginate DataTables data. This ensures
* DataTables meets the Patternfly design pattern while maintaining accessibility.
* The pagination layout is expected to contain the classes as shown in the example below.
* Example:
* <!-- NOTE: Some configuration may be omitted for clarity -->
* <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="table1">
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th><input type="checkbox" name="selectAll"></th>
* <th>Rendering Engine</th>
* <th>Browser</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* </table>
* <form class="content-view-pf-pagination table-view-pf-pagination clearfix" id="pagination1">
* <div class="form-group">
* <select class="selectpicker pagination-pf-pagesize">
* <option value="6">6</option>
* <option value="10">10</option>
* <option value="15" selected="selected">15</option>
* <option value="25">25</option>
* <option value="50">50</option>
* </select>
* <span>per page</span>
* </div>
* <div class="form-group">
* <span><span class="pagination-pf-items-current">1-15</span> of <span class="pagination-pf-items-total">75</span></span>
* <ul class="pagination pagination-pf-back">
* <li><a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="First Page"><span class="i fa fa-angle-double-left"></span></a></li>
* <li><a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="Previous Page"><span class="i fa fa-angle-left"></span></a></li>
* </ul>
* <label for="pagination1-page" class="sr-only">Current Page</label>
* <input class="pagination-pf-page" type="text" value="1" id="pagination1-page"/>
* <span>of <span class="pagination-pf-pages">5</span></span>
* <ul class="pagination pagination-pf-forward">
* <li><a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="Next Page"><span class="i fa fa-angle-right"></span></a></li>
* <li><a href="#" onclick="return false;" title="Last Page"><span class="i fa fa-angle-double-right"></span></a></li>
* </ul>
* </div>
* </form>
* <script>
* // NOTE: Some properties may be omitted for clarity
* $(document).ready(function() {
* var dt = $("#table1").DataTable({
* columns: [
* { data: null, ... },
* { data: "engine" },
* { data: "browser" }
* ],
* data: null,
* dom: "t",
* pfConfig: {
* ...
* pageSize: 15,
* paginationSelector: "#pagination1",
* }
* });
* dt.table().pfPagination.next(); // Optional API to navigate to the next page
* dt.table().pfPagination.previous(); // Optional API to navigate to the previous page
* });
* </script>
(function (factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define (["jquery", "datatables.net"], function ($) {
return factory ($, window, document);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if (!root) {
root = window;
if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) {
$ = require("datatables.net")(root, $).$;
return factory($, root, root.document);
} else {
// Browser
factory(jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var BACK_ACTIONS_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-back"; // Back navigation actions
var CURRENT_ITEMS_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-items-current"; // Current items text (e.g., 1-15)
var CURRENT_PAGE_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-page"; // Current page input
var FIRST_PAGE_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-back .fa-angle-double-left"; // First page button
var FORWARD_ACTIONS_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-forward"; // Forward navigation actions
var LAST_PAGE_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-forward .fa-angle-double-right"; // Last page button
var PAGE_SIZE_SELECTOR = "select.pagination-pf-pagesize"; // Page size selection
var TOTAL_ITEMS_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-items-total"; // Total items
var TOTAL_PAGES_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-pages"; // Total pages text
var PREVIOUS_PAGE_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-back .fa-angle-left"; // Previous page button
var NEXT_PAGE_SELECTOR = ".pagination-pf-forward .fa-angle-right"; // Next page button
DataTable.pfPagination = {};
* Initialize
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
DataTable.pfPagination.init = function (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var opts = (ctx.oInit.pfConfig) ? ctx.oInit.pfConfig : {};
ctx._pfPagination = {};
ctx._pfPagination.backActions = $(BACK_ACTIONS_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Back navigation actions
ctx._pfPagination.currentItems = $(CURRENT_ITEMS_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Current items
ctx._pfPagination.currentPage = $(CURRENT_PAGE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Current page
ctx._pfPagination.firstPage = $(FIRST_PAGE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // First page button
ctx._pfPagination.forwardActions = $(FORWARD_ACTIONS_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Forward navigation actions
ctx._pfPagination.lastPage = $(LAST_PAGE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Last page button
ctx._pfPagination.nextPage = $(NEXT_PAGE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Next page button
ctx._pfPagination.pageSize = $(PAGE_SIZE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Page size selection
ctx._pfPagination.previousPage = $(PREVIOUS_PAGE_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Next page button
ctx._pfPagination.totalItems = $(TOTAL_ITEMS_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Total items
ctx._pfPagination.totalPages = $(TOTAL_PAGES_SELECTOR, opts.paginationSelector); // Total pages
// Set initial page size
ctx._pfPagination.currentPageSize = (opts.pageSize !== undefined) ? opts.pageSize : 15;
// Handle page navigation
// Update table on DataTables draw event
dt.on("draw.page", function () {
// Initialize page info
// Local functions
* Handle page navigation when enter is pressed
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handleCurrentPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.currentPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.currentPage.length === 0) {
ctx._pfPagination.currentPage.on("keypress", function (e) {
var page, pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
var keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if (keycode === 13) {
page = parseInt(this.value) - 1;
if (page >= 0 && page < pageInfo.pages) {
} else {
updateCurrentPage(dt); // Always update to replace bad values
return false;
return true;
* Handle page navigation when first button is selected
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handleFirstPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.firstPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.firstPage.length === 0) {
$(ctx._pfPagination.firstPage).closest('li').on("click", function (e) {
* Handle page navigation when last button is selected
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handleLastPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.lastPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.lastPage.length === 0) {
$(ctx._pfPagination.lastPage).closest('li').on("click", function (e) {
* Handle page navigation when next button is selected
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handleNextPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.nextPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.nextPage.length === 0) {
$(ctx._pfPagination.nextPage).closest('a').on("click", function (e) {
* Handle page size when selected
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handlePageSize (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.pageSize === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.pageSize.length === 0) {
ctx._pfPagination.pageSize.on("change", function (e) {
ctx._pfPagination.currentPageSize = parseInt(this.value);
* Handle page navigation when previous button is selected
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function handlePreviousPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
if (ctx._pfPagination.previousPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.previousPage.length === 0) {
$(ctx._pfPagination.previousPage).closest('a').on("click", function (e) {
* Update current page
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateCurrentPage (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
var page = (pageInfo.recordsDisplay === 0) ? 0 : pageInfo.page + 1;
if (ctx._pfPagination.currentPage === undefined || ctx._pfPagination.currentPage.length === 0) {
// Disable if pagination is not available due to filtering
if (pageInfo.recordsDisplay > pageInfo.length) {
$(ctx._pfPagination.currentPage).prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$(ctx._pfPagination.currentPage).prop("disabled", true);
// Set current page value
* Update back navigation actions
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateBackActions (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
if (pageInfo.page === 0) {
$("li", ctx._pfPagination.backActions).each(function () {
} else {
$("li", ctx._pfPagination.backActions).each(function () {
* Update current items
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateCurrentItems (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
var start = (pageInfo.recordsDisplay === 0) ? 0 : pageInfo.start + 1;
ctx._pfPagination.currentItems.html(start + "-" + pageInfo.end);
* Update forward navigation actions
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateForwardActions (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
if (pageInfo.recordsDisplay === 0 || pageInfo.page === pageInfo.pages - 1) {
$("li", ctx._pfPagination.forwardActions).each(function () {
} else {
$("li", ctx._pfPagination.forwardActions).each(function () {
* Update total items
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateTotalItems (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
* Update total pages
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateTotalPages (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var pageInfo = dt.table().page.info();
// DataTables API
* Navigate to next page
* Example: dt.table().pfPagination.next();
DataTable.Api.register("pfPagination.next()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (ctx) {
handleNextPage(new DataTable.Api(ctx));
* Navigate to previous page
* Example: dt.table().pfPagination.previous();
DataTable.Api.register("pfPagination.previous()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (ctx) {
handlePreviousPage(new DataTable.Api(ctx));
// DataTables creation
$(document).on("init.dt", function (e, ctx, json) {
if (e.namespace !== "dt") {
DataTable.pfPagination.init(new DataTable.Api(ctx));
return DataTable.pfPagination;