282 lines
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282 lines
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* @summary pfSelect for DataTables
* @description A collection of API methods providing individual row selection and select all functionality in
* DataTables using traditional HTML checkboxes. This ensures DataTables meets the Patternfly design pattern while
* maintaining accessibility.
* The following selection styles are supported for user interaction with DataTables:
* api - Selection can only be performed via the API
* multi - Multiple items can be selected
* multi+shift - a hybrid between the os style and multi
* os - Operating system style selection with complex behaviors such as ctrl/cmd, shift and an unmodified click
* single - Only a single item can be selected
* For details see: https://datatables.net/reference/option/select.style
* Note that when a selection is made, the selection results text is also updated in the toolbar. The toolbar layouts is
* expected to contain the classes as shown in the example below. Selection checkboxes are also expected to be located
* in the first column.
* Example:
* <!-- NOTE: Some configuration may be omitted for clarity -->
* <div class="row toolbar-pf table-view-pf-toolbar" id="toolbar1">
* <div class="col-sm-12">
* ...
* <div class="row toolbar-pf-results">
* <div class="col-sm-9">
* ...
* </div>
* <div class="col-sm-3 table-view-pf-select-results">
* <strong>0</strong> of <strong>0</strong> selected
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
* </div>
* <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="table1">
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th><input type="checkbox" name="selectAll"></th>
* <th>Rendering Engine</th>
* <th>Browser</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* </table>
* ...
* <script>
* // NOTE: Some properties may be omitted for clarity
* $(document).ready(function() {
* var dt = $("#table1").DataTable({
* columns: [
* { data: null,
* className: "table-view-pf-select",
* render: function (data, type, full, meta) {
* return '<input type="checkbox" name="select">';
* },
* sortable: false
* },
* { data: "engine" },
* { data: "browser" }
* ],
* data: [
* { engine: "Gecko", browser: "Firefox" }
* { engine: "Trident", browser: "Mozilla" }
* ],
* dom: "t",
* order: [[ 1, "asc" ]],
* pfConfig: {
* ...
* toolbarSelector: "#toolbar1",
* selectAllSelector: 'th:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'
* }
* select: {
* selector: 'td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]',
* style: "multi"
* }
* });
* dt.table().pfSelect.selectAllRows(true); // Optional API to select all rows
* });
* </script>
* Note: This functionality requires the following Javascript library files to be loaded:
* https://cdn.datatables.net/select/1.2.0/js/dataTables.select.min.js
(function (factory) {
"use strict";
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD
define (["jquery", "datatables.net"], function ($) {
return factory ($, window, document);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
// CommonJS
module.exports = function (root, $) {
if (!root) {
root = window;
if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) {
$ = require("datatables.net")(root, $).$;
return factory($, root, root.document);
} else {
// Browser
factory(jQuery, window, document);
}(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable;
var RESULTS_SELECTOR = ".table-view-pf-select-results"; // Toolbar selection results
var SELECT_ALL_SELECTOR = 'th:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'; // Default checkbox for selecting all rows
var SELECT_SELECTOR = 'td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]'; // Default checkboxes for row selection
DataTable.pfSelect = {};
* Initialize
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
DataTable.pfSelect.init = function (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var opts = (ctx.oInit.pfConfig) ? ctx.oInit.pfConfig : {};
var select = (ctx.oInit.select) ? ctx.oInit.select : {};
var style = dt.select.style();
ctx._pfSelect = {};
ctx._pfSelect.selectAllSelector = (opts.selectAllSelector !== undefined)
? opts.selectAllSelector : SELECT_ALL_SELECTOR; // Select all checkbox
ctx._pfSelect.selector = (select.selector !== undefined)
? select.selector : SELECT_SELECTOR; // Select checkbox
ctx._pfSelect.results = $(RESULTS_SELECTOR, opts.toolbarSelector); // Toolbar selection results
if (style === "api") {
// Select all checkbox
$(dt.table().container()).on("click", ctx._pfSelect.selectAllSelector, function (evt) {
// Select checkboxes
$(dt.table().container()).on("click", ctx._pfSelect.selector, function (evt) {
dt.table().on("select.dt", function () {
} else {
// Select all checkbox
$(dt.table().container()).on("click", ctx._pfSelect.selectAllSelector, function (evt) {
selectAllRows(dt, evt.target.checked);
// Select checkboxes
$(dt.table().container()).on("click", ctx._pfSelect.selector, function (evt) {
if (style !== "multi" || style !== "multi+shift") {
syncSelectCheckboxes(dt); // No need to sync checkbox selections when "multi" is used
} else {
syncSelectAllCheckbox(dt); // Still need to sync select all checkbox
// Sync checkbox selections when paging and filtering is applied
dt.table().on("draw.dt", function () {
// Initialize selected rows text
// Local functions
* Select all rows on current page
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @param {boolean} select True to select all rows on current page, defaults to false
* @private
function selectAllRows (dt, select) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
// Retrieve all rows taking into account currently applied filter
var filteredRows = dt.rows({"page": "current", "search": "applied"});
// Check if style is single
if (dt.select.style() === "single") {
throw new Error("Cannot select all rows with selection style 'single'");
// Select rows
if (select) {
} else {
$(ctx._pfSelect.selector, dt.table().container()).prop("checked", select); // De/select checkboxes in view
* Sync select all checkbox with row selections on current page
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function syncSelectAllCheckbox (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
// Retrieve all rows taking into account currently applied filter
var filteredRows = dt.rows({"page": "current", "search": "applied"}).flatten().length;
var selectedFilteredRows = dt.rows({"page": "current", "search": "applied", "selected": true}).flatten().length;
// De/select the select all checkbox
var selectAll = $(ctx._pfSelect.selectAllSelector, dt.table().container())[0];
if (selectAll) {
selectAll.checked = (filteredRows !== 0 && filteredRows === selectedFilteredRows);
* Sync select checkboxes with row selections on current page
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function syncSelectCheckboxes (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
$(ctx._pfSelect.selector, dt.table().container()).prop("checked", false); // Deselect all checkboxes
dt.rows({"page": "current", "search": "applied", "selected": true}).every(function (index) {
$(ctx._pfSelect.selector, dt.table().row(index).node()).prop("checked", true); // Select checkbox for selected row
* Update selection results text
* @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable
* @private
function updateSelectedRowsText (dt) {
var ctx = dt.settings()[0];
var selectedRows = dt.rows({"selected": true}).flatten().length;
var totalRows = dt.rows().flatten().length;
if (ctx._pfSelect.results !== undefined && ctx._pfSelect.results.length !== 0) {
$(ctx._pfSelect.results).html("<strong>" + selectedRows + "</strong> of <strong>" +
totalRows + "</strong> selected");
// DataTables API
* Select all rows on current page
* Example: dt.table().pfSelect.selectAllRows(true);
* @param {boolean} select True to select all rows on current page, defaults to false
DataTable.Api.register("pfSelect.selectAllRows()", function (select) {
return this.iterator("table", function (ctx) {
selectAllRows(new DataTable.Api(ctx), select);
// DataTables creation
$(document).on("preInit.dt.dtSelect", function (e, ctx) {
if (e.namespace !== "dt") {
DataTable.pfSelect.init(new DataTable.Api(ctx));
return DataTable.pfSelect;