/** * @summary pfEmpty for DataTables * @description A collection of API methods providing functionality to hide and show elements when DataTables is empty. * This ensures DataTables meets the Patternfly design pattern with a toolbar and empty state. * * When DataTable is redrawn and data length is zero, controls under the toolbar-pf-actions and toolbar-pf-results * classes are disabled; including the filter drop down, filter input, action buttons, kebab, find, etc. (You may * re-enable specific controls via the DataTables "draw.dt" event.) In addition, the DataTables empty table header and * row are hidden while the empty state (i.e., blank slate) layout is shown. * * The toolbar and empty state layouts are expected to contain the classes as shown in the example below. * * Example: * * *
* ... *
* ... *
* * * * * * * * *
Rendering EngineBrowser
* * * * Note: This functionality requires the following Javascript library files to be loaded: * * https://cdn.datatables.net/select/1.2.0/js/dataTables.select.min.js */ (function (factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD define (["jquery", "datatables.net"], function ($) { return factory ($, window, document); }); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if (!root) { root = window; } if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) { $ = require("datatables.net")(root, $).$; } return factory($, root, root.document); }; } else { // Browser factory(jQuery, window, document); } }(function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; var DataTable = $.fn.dataTable; var ACTIONS_SELECTOR = ".toolbar-pf-actions"; // Toolbar actions var RESULTS_SELECTOR = ".toolbar-pf-results"; // Toolbar results row DataTable.pfEmpty = {}; /** * Initialize * * @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable * @private */ DataTable.pfEmpty.init = function (dt) { var ctx = dt.settings()[0]; var opts = (ctx.oInit.pfConfig) ? ctx.oInit.pfConfig : {}; ctx._pfEmpty = {}; ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState = $(opts.emptyStateSelector); // Empty state (Blank slate) ctx._pfEmpty.isEmptyState = false; // Flag indicating DatTable entered an empty state ctx._pfEmpty.pagination = $(opts.paginationSelector); // Pagination ctx._pfEmpty.tbody = $("tbody", dt.table().container()); // Table body ctx._pfEmpty.thead = $("thead", dt.table().container()); // Table head ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions = $(ACTIONS_SELECTOR, opts.toolbarSelector); // Toolbar actions ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults = $(RESULTS_SELECTOR, opts.toolbarSelector); // Toolbar results row // Update table on DataTables draw event dt.on("draw.dt", function () { updateState(dt); }); // Initialize updateState(dt); }; // Local functions /** * Disable and hide elements when DataTables has no data * * @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable * @private */ function updateEmptyState (dt) { var ctx = dt.settings()[0]; // Show blank slate if (ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState.removeClass("hidden"); } // Hide zero records message if (ctx._pfEmpty.tbody !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.tbody.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.tbody.addClass("hidden"); } // Hide column headers if (ctx._pfEmpty.thead !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.thead.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.thead.addClass("hidden"); } // Disable all buttons if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions.length !== 0) { $("button", ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions).prop("disabled", true); } // Disable all inputs if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions.length !== 0) { $("input", ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions).prop("disabled", true); } // Hide results container if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults.children().addClass("hidden"); } // Hide pagination if (ctx._pfEmpty.pagination !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.pagination.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.pagination.addClass("hidden"); } // Enable on empty if (ctx._pfEmpty.enableOnEmpty !== undefined) { $(ctx._pfEmpty.enableOnEmpty).prop("disabled", false); } // Enable on empty if (ctx._pfEmpty.enableOnEmpty !== undefined) { $(ctx._pfEmpty.enableOnEmpty).prop("disabled", false); } } /** * Enable and show elements when DataTables has data * * @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable * @private */ function updateNonEmptyState (dt) { var ctx = dt.settings()[0]; // Hide blank slate if (ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.emptyState.addClass("hidden"); } // Show table body if (ctx._pfEmpty.tbody !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.tbody.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.tbody.removeClass("hidden"); } // Show column headers if (ctx._pfEmpty.thead !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.thead.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.thead.removeClass("hidden"); } // Enable all buttons if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions.length !== 0) { $("button", ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions).prop("disabled", false); } // Enable all inputs if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions.length !== 0) { $("input", ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarActions).prop("disabled", false); } // Show results container if (ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.toolbarResults.children().removeClass("hidden"); } // Show pagination if (ctx._pfEmpty.pagination !== undefined && ctx._pfEmpty.pagination.length !== 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.pagination.removeClass("hidden"); } } /** * Update elements upon empty DataTable state * * @param {DataTable.Api} dt DataTable * @private */ function updateState (dt) { var ctx = dt.settings()[0]; // Don't enable or show elements unless DataTable was empty if (dt.data().length === 0) { ctx._pfEmpty.isEmptyState = true; updateEmptyState(dt); } else if (ctx._pfEmpty.isEmptyState === true) { ctx._pfEmpty.isEmptyState = false; updateNonEmptyState(dt); } } // DataTables API /** * Update state upon empty or non-empty DataTable * * Example: dt.table().pfEmpty.updateState(); */ DataTable.Api.register("pfEmpty.updateState()", function () { return this.iterator("table", function (ctx) { updateState(new DataTable.Api(ctx)); }); }); // DataTables creation $(document).on("init.dt", function (e, ctx, json) { if (e.namespace !== "dt") { return; } DataTable.pfEmpty.init(new DataTable.Api(ctx)); }); return DataTable.pfEmpty; }));