88 lines
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88 lines
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// Util: PatternFly Collapse with fixed heights
// Update the max-height of collapse elements based on the parent container's height.
(function ($) {
'use strict';
$.fn.initCollapseHeights = function (scrollSelector) {
var parentElement = this, setCollapseHeights, targetScrollSelector = scrollSelector;
setCollapseHeights = function () {
var height, openPanel, contentHeight, bodyHeight, overflowY = 'hidden';
height = parentElement.height();
// Close any open panel
openPanel = parentElement.find('.collapse.in');
if (openPanel && openPanel.length > 0) {
// Determine the necessary height for the closed content
contentHeight = 0;
parentElement.children().each($.proxy(function (i, element) {
var $element = $(element);
contentHeight += $element.outerHeight(true);
}, parentElement)).end();
// Determine the height remaining for opened collapse panels
bodyHeight = height - contentHeight;
// Make sure we have enough height to be able to scroll the contents if necessary
if (bodyHeight < 25) {
bodyHeight = 25;
// Allow the parent to scroll so the child elements are accessible
overflowY = 'auto';
// Reopen the initially opened panel
if (openPanel && openPanel.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
// Set the max-height for the collapse panels
parentElement.find('[data-toggle="collapse"]').each($.proxy(function (i, element) {
var $element, selector, $target, scrollElement, innerHeight = 0;
$element = $(element);
// Determine the selector to find the target
selector = $element.attr('data-target');
if (!selector) {
selector = $element.attr('href');
// Determine the scroll element (either the target or the child of the target based on the given selector)
$target = $(selector);
scrollElement = $target;
if (targetScrollSelector) {
scrollElement = $target.find(targetScrollSelector);
if (scrollElement.length === 1) {
innerHeight = 0;
$target.children().each($.proxy(function (j, sibling) {
var $sibling = $(sibling);
if (sibling !== scrollElement[0]) {
innerHeight += $sibling.outerHeight(true);
}, $target)).end();
bodyHeight -= innerHeight;
} else {
scrollElement = $target;
// Set the max-height and vertical scroll of the scroll element
scrollElement.css({'max-height': (bodyHeight - innerHeight) + 'px', 'overflow-y': 'auto'});
}, parentElement)).end();
parentElement.css({'overflow-y': overflowY});
}, 100);
// Update on window resizing